Versions Compared


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areastringRequiredOne of the area strings retrieved from the /1/protocol/index endpoint
groupstringRequiredOne of the group strings retrieved from the /1/protocol/index endpoint
question_num32-bit IntegerOptional

The number of the question that must be 0..question_count-1 of the question_count field retrieved from the /1/protocol/index endpoint.

If question_num is omitted, the result will be an array containing all of the question entries for the given area and group.

skill_num32-bit IntegerOptional

The skill number that corresponds to a question that must be 0..skill_count-1 of the skill_count field retrieved from the /1/protocol/index endpoint.

If skill_count is omitted, the result will be an array containing all of the sub question entries for the given area, group and question_num.

definitionstringRequiredA formal definition for the question. Deprecated, use text
examplestringOptionalAn example of how the question might be administered. Required when area == 'milestones'
materialsstringOptionalInformation about what materials might be required to administer the question. Required when area == 'milestones'
objectivestringOptionalThe objective of the question. Required when area == 'milestones'
number32-bit IntegerOptional

The question # from the guide. Required when area == 'milestones', 'barriers', 'transitions', 'taskanalysis'.

Note: This is not the same as question_num, which is the programmatic index of the question. This is what to display to the user to related the question to the guide.

level32-bit IntegerOptionalThe question level # from the guide. Required when area == 'milestones' or 'taskanalysis'skill_number32-bit IntegerOptionalThe skill_number (0..skill_count-1) for the questionlevel # from the guide. Required when area == 'taskanalysismilestones'
textstringRequiredThe text that describes the question

The text to display at the top of a grid column for Barriers & Transitions. The skill identifier (e.g. '1-a') for Task Analysis. Required when area == 'barriers', 'transitions', 'taskanalysis'

responsesarrayRequiredAn array of response/score definitions/score definitions
skillsarrayOptionalThe Task Analysis skills associated with the milestone question. Required when area == 'milestones'
titleresponse Fields
scoreSingle Precision FloatRequiredValue to store as a score if this response is selected
textstringRequiredA string to display that describes this possible response
descriptionstringOptionalA description of the score to further help identify its application
titleskills Fields
Optional description of the score to further help identify its application
skillstringRequiredThe skill identifier (e.g. '1-a')
textstringRequiredA string to display that describes the skill

Example 1 - question_num provided

curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Token token="9319224d0002e7a32b26c0686c42a0bf"' \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-ClientId: 1" \\&group=mand\&question_num=1

Example 2 - question_num omitted

curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Token token="9319224d0002e7a32b26c0686c42a0bf"' \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-ClientId: 1" \\&group=mand

Example 1
  "response": {
    "definitionexample": "Emits 4 different mands without prompts (except, What do you want?) the desired item can be present (e.g., music, Slinky, ball). (E)A child says or signs \u201cswing\u201d when he is on a swing and wants to be pushed, and he does so without an echoic or imitative prompt.",
    "examplematerials": "A child says or signs \u201cswing\u201d when he is on a swing and wants to be pushed, and he does so without an echoic or imitative prompt."Gather items or plan actions that function as reinforcement for the child.",
    "objective": "To determine if a child mands with echoic prompts.  For a child ... necessary.",
    "number": 2,
    "materialstext": "GatherEmits items4 ordifferent planmands actionswithout that function as reinforcement for the child."prompts (except, What do you  "objective": "To determine if a child mands with echoic prompts.  For a child ... necessary.want?) the desired item can be present (e.g., music, Slinky, ball)  Either testing or observation",
    "numbertitle": 2null,
    "textresponses": "Emits 4 different mands without prompts (except, What do you want?) the desired item can be present (e.g., music, Slinky, ball)  Either testing or observation",
    "title": null,
    "responses": [ [
        "score": 0,
        "text": "Score 0 Points",
        "description": ""
        "score": 0.5,
        "text": "Score 0 Points1\/2 Point",
        "description": ""
        "score": 0.51,
        "text": "Score 1\/2 Point",
        "description": ""Give the child 1 point if he mands  },for 4 different reinforcers ... (or something similar)."
    "scoreskills": 1,[
      {   "textskill": "Score 1 Point2-a",
        "descriptiontext": "GivePoints theto child2 1different pointreinforcers ifin heorder mandsto forobtain 4them different2 reinforcerstimes ... (or something similar)."(E)"
   }   {  ]"skill: "2-b",
   } }
Example 2{   "responsetext": ["Nods or says yes or {no when offered a reinforcer 2 times (not  "definition": "Emits 2 words, signs, or PECS, but may require echoic, imitative, or other prompts, but no physical prompts (e.g., cracker, book). (E)",
  an early target) (E)"
	  }, ...
Example 2
  "response": [
      "examplesexample": "A child says “cookie” or signs \u201cswing\u201d when he is on a swing and wants to abe cookiepushed, butand he needsdoes so without an echoic or imitative prompt in order to respond. ... for action.",
        "guidePageNumber": 27,
      "materials": "Gather items or plan actions that function as reinforcement for the child.",
      "levelobjective": 1,"To determine if a child mands with echoic prompts. "materials": "Gather items or plan actions that function as reinforcement for the child." For a child ... necessary.",
      "number": 2,
        "objectivetext": "ToEmits 4 determinedifferent ifmands awithout childprompts mands(except, withWhat echoicdo prompts. For a child using ... be necessary.",
        "title": "Mand - Level 1"
you want?) the desired item can be present (e.g., music, Slinky, ball)  Either testing or observation",
      "title": null,
      "guidePageNumberresponses": 27,[
      "questionNumber": 1, {
     "questionText": "Emits 2 words, signs, or PECS "score": 0,
but may require echoic, imitative, or other prompts, but no physical prompts (e.g., cracker, book)  Either testing or observation","text": "Score 0 Points",
            "questionTypedescription": "E",
       "responses": [ },
          "score": 0.5,
          "text": "Score 0 Points1\/2 Point",
          "description": "Give the child \u00bd point if he only emits 1 mand."
          "score": 0.51,
          "text": "Score 1\/2 Point",
          "description": "Give the child \u00bd1 point if he only emits 1 mand."... icon."
  },    ],
     { "skills": [
        { "scoreskill": 1,
          "text": "ScorePoints 1to Point",2 different reinforcers in order to obtain them 2 times  "description": "Give the child 1 point if ... icon."(E)"
        { }
"skill: "2-b",
      ]     },{
  "response": [
      "definition": "Emits 2 words, signs, or PECS, but may require echoic, imitative, or other prompts, but no physical prompts (e.g., cracker, book). (E)","text": "Nods or says yes or no when offered a reinforcer 2 times (not an early target) (E)"
	    }, ...
  "response": [
      "example": null,
      "materials": "Gather items or plan actions that function as reinforcement for the child.",
      "objective": "To determine if a child mands with echoic prompts. For a child using ... be necessary.",
      "number": 1,
      "text": "Emits 2 words, signs, or PECS, but may require echoic, imitative, or other prompts, but no physical prompts (e.g., cracker, book)  Either testing or observation",
      "title": null,
      "responses": [
          "score": 0,
          "text": "Score 0 Points",
          "description": ""
          "score": 0.5,
          "text": "Score 1\/2 Point",
          "description": ""
          "score": 1,
          "text": "Score 1 Point",
          "description": "Give the child 1 point if he responds when an adult provides an ... or icon."
      "definition": "Emits 4 different mands without prompts (except, What do you want?) the desired item can be present (e.g., music, Slinky, ball). (E)",
      "example": "A child says or signs \u201cswing\u201d when he is on a swing and wants to be pushed, and he does so without an echoic or imitative prompt.",
      "materials": "Gather items or plan actions that function as reinforcement for the child.",
      "objective": "To determine if a child mands with echoic prompts.  For a child using ... necessary.",
      "number": 2,
      "text": "Emits 4 different mands without prompts (except, What do you want?) the desired item can be present (e.g., music, Slinky, ball)  Either testing or observation",
      "title": null,
      "responses": [
          "score": 0,
          "text": "Score 0 Points",
          "description": ""
          "score": 0.5,
          "text": "Score 1\/2 Point",
          "description": ""
          "score": 1,
          "text": "Score 1 Point",
          "description": "Give the child 1 point if he mands for 4 different reinforcers ... similar)."
  "count" : 15