The /1/assessment_report/iep endpoint returns the structure of the VB-Mapp IEP Assessment Report.
Info |
X-SystemDomain | <the system domain> | vbmapp | X-LearnerId | <the learner id> | The DMTD-supplied identifier that identifies the learner (see REST API Guide) | X-LearnerCode | <the learner code> | A REST-client-supplied identifier that identifies the learner (see REST API Guide) | User-Agent | <company identifier> | The exact value here is not important, but it should include something to identify your company | Authorization | Bearer <your token> | Bearer wV1MLk5+sFzioJw/3M5r9A== | Accept | application/json |
Info |
title | Paragraph Descriptor Fields |
Field | Type | Optional | Description |
Style | String | Required | The paragraph style | Condition | String | Optional | An expression that determines if the paragraph belongs in the report | Condition_Comment | String | Optional | A free-form comment describing the Condition field | Text | String | Required | The paragraph's text, which might contain %SUBSTITUTION_FIELD%s |
Info |
title | Paragraph Descriptor Styles |
The following table lists the various styles that can be used to apply common styling across the generated document. Value | Description |
H1 | Heading #1 | H1NB | Heading #1, but not emphasized (bold) | H2 | Heading #2 | H3 | Heading #3 | Indent | Normal paragraph, but shifted to the right | Intro | Normal paragraph style, in the introduction. Can have alternate styling, if needed. | List | Bullet list | Warn | Adds emphasis to highlight something to the user | Normal | Normal paragraph style |
Info |
The grammar for conditions is very trivial. It's simply: "expr op expr". The Flex lexical description looks as follows: [ \t\n] { /* skip spaces */ } \%([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\% { yylval.string = yytext; return IDENTIFIER; } [0-9]* { yylval.string = yytext; return INTEGER_LITERAL; } \<= { return LT; } \<= { return LTE; } == { return EQ; } \>= { return GT; } \>= { return GTE; } . { yyerror("Unknown token: %s", yytext); yyterminate(); }
A Bison grammar looks as follows:
binary_expr : /* empty */ | value LT value | value LTE value | value EQ value | value GT value | value GTE value ; value : IDENTIFIER | INTEGER_LITERAL ; |