/1/authorize - POST


The /1/authorize endpoint allows users to assess learners that are owned by other users. 


When a learner is created via /1/learner - POST, it can only be assessed by the user that was provided when the learner was created.  If multiple users (created by /1/user - POST) need to perform assessments on a single learner, /1/authorize - POST can be used to authorize subsequent users to perform assessments on the learner.

Beta API

NOTE: This API is currently in beta and applies only to the 'iFrame' API customers.

Required Headers

User-Agent<company identifier>The exact value here is not important, but it should include something to identify your company
AuthorizationBearer <your token>Bearer wV1MLk5+sFzioJw/3M5r9A==
X-LearnerId<the learner id>The DMTD-supplied identifier that identifies the learner (see REST API Guide and /1/learner - POST)
X-LearnerCode<the learner code>A REST-client-supplied identifier that identifies the learner (see REST API Guide and /1/learner - POST)


userIdIntOptionalThe id of the user to give permission to assess the learner (See REST API Guide and  /1/user - POST)

The code of the user to give permission to assess the learner (See REST API Guide and /1/user - POST)

HTTP Status

HTTP StatusDescription
200 - OKThe call succeeded and the user now has permission to assess the given learner.
202 - AcceptedThe given user already had permission to assess the given learner.
400 - Bad RequestThe body of the request was invalid
401 - UnauthorizedThe caller identified by the Bearer token does not have permission to perform this operation
404 - Not FoundNo user with the given userId/userCode could be located



curl -X POST \
-H 'User-Agent: dmtd-rest-api' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer L2Hth4lRwgHRBWtX8Hkl5w==' \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-LearnerId: 1" \
  -d '{ "userId": 1234 }' \