/1/assessment_report/iep - GET

/1/assessment_report/iep - GET


The /1/assessment_report/iep endpoint returns the structure of the VB-Mapp IEP Assessment Report.

The response to this endpoint contains a list of paragraph descriptors.

Required Headers

  • Authorization: Token token="<your session token here>"
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • User-Agent: dmtd-rest-api
  • X-ClientId: <the client id here>

Optional Headers

Paragraph Descriptor Fields

StyleStringRequiredThe paragraph style  
ConditionStringOptionalAn expression that determines if the paragraph belongs in the report
Condition_CommentStringOptionalA free-form comment describing the Condition field
TextStringRequiredThe paragraph's text, which might contain %SUBSTITUTION_FIELD%s

Paragraph Descriptor Styles

The following table lists the various styles that can be used to apply common styling across the generated document.

H1Heading #1
H1NBHeading #1, but not emphasized (bold)
H2Heading #2
H3Heading #3
IndentNormal paragraph, but shifted to the right
IntroNormal paragraph style, in the introduction. Can have alternate styling, if needed.
ListBullet list
WarnAdds emphasis to highlight something to the user
NormalNormal paragraph style

Condition Grammar

The grammar for conditions is very trivial. It's simply: "expr op expr".

The Flex lexical description looks as follows:


[ \t\n]                          { /* skip spaces */ }
\%([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\%     { yylval.string = yytext; return IDENTIFIER; }
[0-9]*                           { yylval.string = yytext; return INTEGER_LITERAL; }
\<=                              { return LT; }
\<=                              { return LTE; }
==                               { return EQ; }
\>=                              { return GT; }
\>=                              { return GTE; }
.                                { yyerror("Unknown token: %s", yytext); yyterminate(); }

A Bison grammar looks as follows:

    : /* empty */
    | value LT value
    | value LTE value
    | value EQ value
    | value GT value
    | value GTE value


curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Token token="9319224d0002e7a32b26c0686c42a0bf"' \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "User-Agent: dmtd-rest-api" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-ClientId: 1" \


  "response": [
      "Style": "H1",
      "Text": "VB-MAPP Language Milestones, Barriers and EESA Assessment"
      "Style": "Intro",
      "Text": "Name: %STUDENT_FULL_NAME%"
      "Style": "Intro",
      "Text": "Date of Birth: Jan 01, 2014"
      "Style": "Intro",
      "Text": "Age: 1"
      "Style": "Intro",
      "Text": "Assessment Date: %STUDENT_ASSESSMENT_DATES%"
      "Style": "Intro",
      "Text": "Report Date: Dec 13, 2014"
      "Style": "Intro",
      "Text": "Assessor: %STUDENT_ASSESSOR%"
      "Style": "H1NB",
      "Text": "General Information"
      "Style": "Normal",
      "Condition_Comment": "If the highest milestone the child scores 1 point in Listener is milestone 1",
      "Text": "Once a child begins to attend to speech sounds, the next task is to get different responses under the control of different sounds. This, of course, is the main activity of standard listener discrimination (LD) training (also identified as receptive labeling). The focus for this child might be to just get him to attend to his own name, or the name of a favorite person, pet, or character (e.g., \"There's Big Bird!\"). A variety of additional activities for developing listener skills can be found in the VB-MAPP Listener Task Analysis."
      "Style": "Normal",
      "Condition_Comment": "If the highest milestone the child scores 1 point in Listener is milestone 2",
      "Text": "The focus for a child who does attend to his own name and perhaps a few other verbal stimuli is to increase the number of listener discriminations that he is able to make. Again, procedures that establish attending to favorite items should be the focus of the intervention at this point. This child may also be ready for more intensive listener training, perhaps beginning with listener discriminations that involve only two stimuli in an array (e.g., responding to, \"Where's Cookie Monster?\" when shown Cookie Monster and a cat)."
      "Style": "Normal",
      "Condition_Comment": "If the highest milestone the child scores 1 point in Listener is milestone 3",
      "Text": "Reaching this milestone means a child has begun to differentially respond to verbal stimuli as demonstrated by identifying specific items during testing. The focus should now be on (1) increasing the number of items the child is able to identify as a listener, (2) begin generalization to different people, settings, and materials, etc., (3) beginning work on emitting specific motor actions on command, and (4) increasing the number of items in a visual array."
      "Style": "Normal",
      "ConditionC_Comment": "If the highest milestone the child scores 1 point in Listener is milestone 4",
      "Text": "A score at this level suggests that listener training should become a significant part of the child's daily intervention program, along with mands, tacts, and social behavior. The other skills are clearly important, but not as critical as these four skills are for a child whose scores begin to reach the top of Level 1. At this point in the intervention program the focus should be on (1) increasing the number of items the child is able to identify as a listener, (2) increasing the number of items in a visual array\u2014more extensive use of pictures and the use of picture books, (3) an increased effort to generalize to different materials, (4) an increase in training on actions, and (5) more LD training in the natural environment and in the context of social games and social interaction."
      "Style": "Normal",
      "Text": "Sundberg, M. L., & Partington, J. W. (1998). Teaching language to children with autism or other developmental disabilities. Concord, CA: AVB Press."
  "count": 687

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